Wednesday, November 21, 2007

THE CICT-HCDG and the iSchool Project


As provided in EO 269, the CICT shall be the "primary policy, planning, coordinating, implementing, regulating, and administrative entity of the executive branch of Government that will promote, develop, and regulate integrated and strategic ICT system, reliable and cost-efficient communication facilities and services".

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Implementing Partners CLSU, TSU and TCA

DAY 1 (OCTOBER 23 2007)
House Rules
Welcome and Greetings
Getting to know You
Leveling of Expectations
Planning Workshop Objectives

iSchool Project briefing
Proposed CeC business models

Workshop 1
Discussion and Brainstorming on probable Model to adopt

Session No. 1
Linking the schoo and the community
Your school and You
What is a telecenter (CeC)?
Ownership and partnership
Needs Assessment Tools

Workshop No. 2
Know Your Community Needs (grouping per PHS)
Small group presentation:

DAY 2 (OCTOBER 24, 2007)

Management of Learning
Presentation of the Synthesized
SMall group presentation

Session No. 2
Business Planning Theories and Concepts
Technical issues in maintenaing an intrenet/computer lab
Cost of maintaining internet/computer lab
Niche market vis-a-vis product and service offerings
Staffing yout telecenter

Open Forum:
Issues and Concerns in Sustaining iSchool CeC

Panel: DepEd and COA

Workshop No. 3
Business Planning Based on Chosen CeC Model
Small group presentation: 4 groups (based on the proposed business models)

DAY 3 (OCTOBER 25, 2007)
Management of Learning
Presentation of the Synthesized
Small group presentation

Session No. 3
Bringing it all together
Evaluation and monitoring
Next Steps
Commitment setting

Closing Remarks
Activity Evaluation
Awarding of Certificates